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The tracts available here are in Rich Text Format (.RTF), and are ready to be printed and copied for distribution or off-line reading. This format should be universal between many word processors. Most are designed as tri-fold brochures and should be copied and folded. The tracts themselves are not copywritten so print and distribute the ones you like. |
The Mormon Church justifies its existence by claiming that a total apostasy
occurred, during which no one on earth had the authority to act in the name
of Jesus. Therefore Joseph Smith had to restore this authority. If this authority
did exist somewhere else then Joseph should have gone and joined that church
instead of starting another. The simplicity of this tract is that it uses only
three Mormon Scriptures to refute Joseph's First Vision which is the foundation
of Mormonism.
Explanation: Way Different!
This tract is probably the most misunderstood tract ever printed by us. As Christians read this tract they find that they don't understand it if they are not very familiar with Mormonism and the first vision. The problem is that this tract wasn't written to inform Christians about the problems of Mormonism. This tract was written with a different purpose in mind. It was written for Christians to give to their Mormon Friends and Relatives. Therefore it has no bible verses, no sinners prayer, and no gospel message, because those are offensive to many Mormons. This tract just begins the first step. It was written to be as 'Mormon Friendly' as possible and still present an effective message to Mormons. The idea is not to convert the Mormon in one quick step (a devout Mormon already thinks he is saved) rather it is to get the Mormon to realize that he is lost (the first step).
The Mormon Church claims that it is the only true Church because it is the only
church that has 12 living apostles. This tract takes a close look at how many
apostles the true Church should have, and how many apostles the Mormon
Church really has. The theme toward the end is a mathematical inequality: 12
doesn't equal 15 doesn't equal 16 doesn't equal 19 doesn't equal 24. It covers
Biblical Apostles, One abnormally born (Paul), and the Second Set of Twelve
Apostles from the Book of Mormon.
You can't get to the real heaven, by following a false Christ, can you? This
tract shows exactly how and where the Mormon Church has redefined the Person
and Work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Looks specifically at: Godhood, Virgin Birth,
Birth Place, Trinity? or Polytheism?, Payment of Sins, Ascension into Heaven,
Melchizedek Aaronic and Jesus' Priesthoods, who can be saved, and Is Joseph
the Judge?. It contains quotes from official LDS Church sources by their Apostles
and Prophets proving the Mormon Church has continually taught that God the Father
had physical sex with his daughter the Virgin Mary to form and offspring named
'Jesus the Christ.' Mormon Apostle and Theologian James Talmage called this
act celestial sireship, read on and decide what you will call it.
The Mormon evangelism verse is Moroni 10:4-5. Any Protestant who has talked with a Mormon Missionary for any length of time has run into this 'scripture' in one form or another. This tract explains how the author got started looking into the Book of Mormon and answers the question of Moroni 10:4-5 from the Book of Mormon. Should anyone start to read the Book of Mormon looking for the inspiration of God they will find the first mistake on the first page. This tract exposes the Book of Mormon as a work of man by its own admission.
A closer look at the many different testimonies people have had regarding The Book of Mormon. Testimonies of credible Mormon experts are listed for your inspection. Including the testimonies of Prophets from within Mormon Scripture, the testimony of the Three Witnesses, and 'The Lord's Voice.' Is it the Word of God, or the Work of Man?
Mormons ask us to read and pray about the Book of Mormon to see whether it is
true or not. We never ask them which version. This tract gives a brief overview
of the making and the printing of the written history of the Book of Mormon
from the original and printers manuscripts through the changes in the texts
of the different printed editions from 1830's first edition through the current
seventh version printed first in 1981(the seventh edition). Errors in the Book
of Mormon translated by the inspiration of God have been a topic of discussion
since the second edition came forth from the printer. This tract fills in much
of the hard to obtain information about the "pre-publication manuscripts and
early editions edited by the Prophet Joseph Smith." It addresses the rarity
and value of some of these early editions, and covers an official admission
of errors.
Inspiration or Perspiration
Is the Book of Mormon Really Translated by The Gift and Power of God? or is it A Work of Man
Author: Marshall Almarode
Are the words of the Book of Mormon from God inspired through his prophets or
are they the works of men. What do the prophets of the Book of Mormon have to
say about this? Hear from their own words how they write and make errors and
excuses for themselves because of their weaknesses. Discover two sentences in
the front of every Book of Mormon, since 1981, which officially admits that
errors had been perpetrated by the Church in past editions of the Book of Mormon.
Discover many disclaimers proving that the Book of Mormon is a work of man.
(Joseph Smith 1:19)
Author: Marshall Almarode
The first requirement of Mormon salvation is a belief in the Mormon Christ,
the second is to be reconciled to God. Repentance is the method by which Mormons
are reconciled to their God and is at the core of their method of salvation.
LDS repentance is broken into two general parts. The first can be summarized
as keeping all the commandments and ordinances of the gospel in this lifetime.
The second can be summarized by stopping all sinning and enduring perfectly
to the end, with no repetition of any sins.
Most Mormons are taught not to question their faith. This leads them to believe
anything that is told them from the Church without question. This fact allows
the church to get away with not telling the truth when ever it suits the leaders.
Thus the general membership is believing errors that might be called Folk Mormonism.
This tract exposes the errors in the story of Joseph Smith as told in June at
Manti, Utah for over 25 years in their official Mormon Miracle Pageant
This is a very useful tool for anyone who is looking for that favorite passage
in the Book of Mormon and need to find it quickly. These verses have arranged
in three columns and are short notes designed to jog your memory as to what
the verse is about. These verses have become some of Marshall's favorites when
witnessing to his Mormon friends. Topics covered are The Godhead, Method of
Salvation, Archeology/Geology, Black Skin, Animals NOT found in America prior
to Columbus, etc. The lines on the back are for you to write in your own favorite
verses as you discover them.
Jesus warns us about false Christs and false Prophets, even though they may
show great signs and wonders, don't believe them, don't even go where they are.
This tract discusses the significance of a definition and how falsely defining
Jesus leads to false worship. It compares the false Jesus of Mormonism with
the false Jesus of Roman Catholicism. I am aware of no other tract of its kind.
Mormonism Related Topics
Biblical Requirements of Church Elders
(To view a summary of these tracts please scroll down)
Marshall briefly covers his Masonic history from DeMoley to joining Masonry.
He covers the oath of death in the first degree of Masonry, which every Mason
must swear. He proves that Freemasonry is a religion which presents a false
method of salvation. Discusses his lack of courage to talk with his family on
the issue. Theme: Freemasonry leads well-meaning people into the mistaken belief
that anyone can make it to heaven without Jesus.
Freemasonry officially claims that Freemasonry is not a religion. All Masons that I have
talked to agree. It appears that Freemasonry has decieved their own members and their
families and friends. This tract documents the religion of Freemasonry from its own
source of truth; its Secret Masonic ritual (the first degree). Reigious faith is so
interpersed throughout the degrees that it is hardly even noticed by the members. Most
never realize that their faith system is being tailored by the words that they take as they
travel through the degrees of Freemasonry. Most spouses are unaware of the religion of the
Jesus warns us about false Christs and false Prophets, even though they may show great signs and wonders, don't believe them, don't even go where they are. This tract discusses the significance of a definition and how falsely defining Jesus leads to false worship. It compares the false Jesus of Mormonism with the false Jesus of Roman Catholicism. I am aware of no other tract of its kind.
This tract deals with Matthew 16:13-20. This is the famous "Peter is the Pope"
section of scripture that Rome misinterprets. Most Pastors ignore this section
of scripture due to the controversy however Jesus is the one who introduced
it in verse 13. Because He is introducing this teaching it must be of high importance
and not something that Protestants should ignore. The Catholic Church says that
Peter is the rock, but in his introduction Jesus did not say "Who do people
say Peter is?" Jesus' introduction and conclusion point to the fact that he
is dealing with the proper identification of himself not Peter as the real rock
of the Church. This tract points out that according to Rome, Catholics truly
do eat their Jesus, and the Priests truly do one miracle. They pray over bread
which is then miraculously changed into the real body and blood, soul and divinity,
of our Lord Jesus Christ under the appearances of bread and wine. It also covers,
the false definition of Jesus' mother, the false priesthood of Rome and the
two Biblical Laws of Christianity.
This tract was written after the inaugural 'Ex-Catholics for Christ' Conference
held at John MacAurthur's Church in Sun Valley California. It summarizes Richard
Bennett's (Ex-Catholic Priests) presentation, and discusses a witnessing encounter
with some Roman Catholics who were picketing the convention and had setup a
booth on the sidewalk out front The final article is from Richard Bennett's
monthly newsletter, and it concludes by quoting Titus 1:9 (the requirements
of an Elder)
Most people do not really know how Roman Catholicism re-defines Christ's identity.
The priests are really Jesuses when they hold up the bread ("host")
and say, "This is MY body."
Mike wrote this tract prior to the second Ex-Catholics for Christ Convention
in Texas. We found two lists of Oxymorons on the Internet and picked these from
over two hundred. This tract summarize seven core teachings from Roman Catholicism
which are opposed to Biblical Christianity, this is because they nullify the
Word of God with their traditions. Many evangelicals and Roman Catholics are
unaware of the official Roman Catholic teachings summarized in this tract. The
seven topics are: Authority, Justification, Regeneration, Salvation , Saints
and Priests, The Lord's Supper and Condemnation.
This tract began as a larger article in one of Mike Gendron's newsletters and
I felt that It was just too good not to share with everyone. Indulgences are
at the heart of the unbiblical plan of salvation in Roman Catholicism. This
tract covers: redefining sins, what is an indulgence, and where does forgiveness
come from. Indulgences were unheard of in Christendom prior to Pope Urban II.
He promise a plenary indulgence to anyone who would participate in the crusades
for the Roman Catholic Church. It also talks about the use of devotional objects
such as the Crucifix, Cross, Rosary, Scapular, or Metal and partial indulgences.
All of these are false formulas for salvation. It contains Biblical corrections
for Catholics to investigate. Referenced and footnoted to Official Roman Catholic
Postulates and axioms, which are assumptions, are the foundation of Mathematics.
In the same way assumptions are not only the basis for the beginning of our
evolutionary journey, but they are littered all the way through its history.
This brochure show the faith based assumptions of Evolution, from its origin
of nothing to its climax -- modern man. These assumptions are the basic missing
links to the proof of evolution and are summarized in the middle of the tract
by a simple mathematical formula, understandable even by students in grade school
An overview of two basic Biblical principles that define the core truth of any
"Christian" Religion: The Identity of God, and The Method of Salvation. This
is a basic tract covering biblical principles and is not targeted toward any
specific cult group. Rather it defines what the Biblical model is for these
two concepts and allows you to determine for yourself if your religion or religions
that you fellowship with are Biblical, or not.
Many people ask how can you tell if a church or organization is false, the Bible
gives us the answer. Over and over again we are told that we must believe in
the true God, and must accept his gospel. Cults are defined as Churches or organizations
that proclaim or teach false gods, or false gospels. This tract shows the two
biblical laws that define the true and false religions.
Discover Paul's qualifications for Elders and Deacons. Some of those qualifications
are: He must be a married man of good character, who has raised children up
in the faith. He must be able to teach, not quick tempered, sensible and just.
Above this he must hold firmly to the faithful word of God, not compromising
the message, but also refuting those who are opposed to the Gospel. This means
that men should not be called up as Elders if they are not actively refuting those who
oppose the Gospel. This seems to be a requirement that we have forgotten in
modern Christianity.
How much Authority do we have
as Christians?
How much Authority do the Mormons have?
Mormons claim to have authority through Joseph Smith directly from Jesus Christ
to baptize and perform other ordinances in the church. They claim that we have
no authority to do the ordinances of the church. The problem is that they don't
have authority either. Matthew 28:17-20 is called the "Great Commission"
not the "Great Authority Transfer." Christians have commission,
not Authority. We get commission from Jesus Christ who has all authority in
heaven and on earth.
The Toronto Blessing, charactorized by "Holy Laughter," Slain in the
Spirit," and animal sounds is subtlly preventing many "Christians"
from thinking biblically. One of my former pastors told me that he wouldn't
even listen to any evidence comming from anyone who has not experienced "The
Blessing. With this line of reasoning, one would have to participate in the
act of adultry, or Homo-sexuallity in order to decide if it was of God or not!!!
Another pastor told me that he didn't want to hear about the negative things
and that I should stop consentrating on the negative and tell him something
positive about "The Toronto Blessing." " This is in escence saying,
"Don't confuse me with negative facts, just tell me the positive stuff,
my mind is made up." This tract exposes the errors in discernment contained
in chapter 9 of the book, "Epic Battles of the Last days" which was
preached from the pulpit on Sunday morning, January 23rd, 2000, by a pastor
of a local Baptist Church.
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode
Author: Marshall Almarode