Freemasonry, God and Religion, in the Initiatory Degree
“Kneeling on my naked left knee, my right forming a square; my left hand supporting the HOLY BIBLE, Square, and compasses, my right resting thereon.”
Or Masonic
Religion in
the First Degree
I was
raised in a Masonic family. My Mother
was a rainbow girl, and was in Eastern Star.
Both my mother and my father were in Amaranth and my father was a
worshipful Master completing both the York Rite and the Scottish Rite. When I was in Junior High, I joined
DeMoley. When I was 21, I joined the
Masons and took the Entered Apprentice Masonic Degree. I write from experience and quote from the
Entered Apprentice Masonic Degree found in
Duncan’s Ritual of Freemasonry and will include the page numbers. I chose this book because it is one of the
most Common Monitors or Ritual books currently in print today. Most “B-Dalton Book Stores” carry it in
stock and all of them can order it.
God and Heaven
Most religions
have two major themes in common: they are God and Salvation; or who is God and
how do we get to Heaven. Most religions
are not ashamed of their faiths or belief systems. They usually proclaim their beliefs to the public in hopes of
saving the listener. This is not the
case with Freemasonry. They claim NOT
to be a religion and swear oaths of death in an attempt to keep their religious
secrets from the public. Masonic
salvation is only available to obligated members who “subdue [their] passions
and improve themselves in Masonry.” (Duncan’s Ritual Page 42)
The following are quotes from the 1st Degree.
Peter Gabe, who has long been in darkness, and now seeks to be brought to light,
and to receive a part of the rights and benefits of this worshipful lodge, erected to God, and dedicated to the holy Saints John, as all brothers and fellows have done before.” (Page
“As the
sun rises in the east, to open and govern the day, so rises the Worshipful Master in the east,
to open and govern his lodge, set the craft to work, and give them proper
instructions.” (Page 15)
and Answer sessions)
W.M. - “Why leave you the west and travel toward
the east?”
S.D. – “In search of light.”
W.M. – “…place the candidate in the charge of the
Senior Warden in the west, with my orders that he teach this candidate to
approach the east, the place of light,
…” (Page 32)
W.M. – “In your present condition, what do you most desire?”
Candidate (prompted.) – “Light.” 3 (Page 35)
Q. – “Why were you neither naked nor clothed?”
A. – “Because Masonry regards no one for his
worldly wealth or honors; it is the internal
and not the external qualifications
of a man that should recommend him to be made a Mason.” (Pag48)
Q. – “Why were you requested to deposit something
of metallic kind?”
A. – “To remind me of my extremely poor and penniless state, and that, should I ever meet
with a friend, more especially with a brother, in like destitute circumstances,
I should contribute as liberally to his relief as his circumstances demanded, without any material injury to myself.” (Pag50)
what do they [the three movable jewels] remind us?”
A. – “By
the rough ashler we are reminded of our rude and imperfect state by nature,
by the perfect ashler of that state of
perfection at which we hope to arrive by
a virtuous education, Our own endeavors and the blessing of God; and by the
trestle-board we are also reminded that, as the operative workman erects his temporal building agreeably
to the rules and designs laid down by the master on his trestle-board, so
should we both operative and speculative, endeavor
to erect our spiritual building agreeably to the rules and designs laid down by
the Supreme Architect of the Universe, in the great book of Revelation,
which is our spiritual, moral, and
Masonic trestle-board.” (Pag52-53)
Q. – “What came you here to do?”
– “To learn to subdue my passions and improve myself in Masonry.” (Pag42)
W.M. – “The three great lights in masonry are the
Holy Bible, Square, and compasses, which are thus explained: The Holy Bible is the rule and guide of our
faith and practice; the square to square our actions, and the compasses, to
circumscribe and keep us within bounds with all mankind, but more especially
with a brother Mason.” (Page 36)
that God exists and We need to Pray to Him
“There are three great duties, which you as a
Mason are strictly to observe and inculcate – to God, your neighbor, and
yourself. To God in never mentioning
his name, But from that reverential
awe which is due from the
creature to his creator; to
implore his aid in all of your laudable undertakings, and to esteem him as your chief good.”
Worshipful Master (W.M.)- “Let no one enter on so
important a duty without invoking the
blessings of Deity. Brother
Senior Deacon, you will conduct the candidate to the center of the lodge, and
cause him to kneel for the benefit
of prayer.”
W.M. – “Vouchsafe Thine aid, Almighty Father of the
Universe, to this our present convention; and grant that this candidate for Masonry may dedicate and devote his
life to thy service, and become a true and faithful brother among
us! Endue him with a competency of Thy divine wisdom, that by
the secrets of our art, he `may be better enabled to display the beauties of
brotherly love, relief, and truth, to
the honor of Thy Holy Name.” (Page 30)
W.M. – “Mr. Gabe, in whom do you put your
trust?” Candidate, - “In God.” 1
W.M. – “Since in God you put your trust, your faith is well founded. Arise, follow your conductor and fear no
danger.” - The
footnote states, “This is the first admission of a candidate before
initiation. He avows his belief in God; and it is on this avowal alone that his
admission among us is based.” (Page
30, 31)
Q. – “Why were you asked in whom you put your trust?”
A. – “Because, agreeably to our most ancient
institution, no Atheist could be made
a Mason; it is therefore necessary that I should put my trust in Deity;
…” (Pag49)
W.M. – the twenty-four inch gauge is an instrument made use of by operative masons to measure and lay out their work; but we, as Free and Accepted Masons, are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of dividing our time. It being divided into twenty-four equal parts, is emblematical of the twenty-four hours of the day which we are taught to divide into three parts, whereby we find a portion for the service of God and the relief of a distressed worthy brother, a portion for our usual avocations, and a portion for refreshment and sleep.” (Pag41)
W.M. – The common gavel is an instrument made use
of by operative masons to break off the superfluous corners of rough stones,
the better to fit them for the builder’s use; but we, as Free and Accepted
Masons, are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of
divesting our minds and consciences of all the vices and superfluities of life,
thereby fitting us, as living stones,
for that spiritual building, that house not made with hands, in the
heavens.” (Page
Q – “What covering has a lodge?”
A. – “A clouded canopy, or starry-decked heavens, where all good Masons hope to arrive,
&c. &c.
(See Masonic monitor).” (Pag51)
Q. – “Why were you presented with a lambskin or
white linen apron, which is the badge of a Mason?”
A. – “Because the lamb in all ages, has been
deemed an emblem of innocence; he, therefore, who wears a lambskin as a badge
of a Mason is thereby continually reminded of that purity of life and conduct which is essentially necessary
to his gaining admission into that celestial Lodge above, where the
Supreme Architect of the Universe presides.” (Pag50)
Q. – “Why were you hoodwinked [blind
folded], and a cable-tow [hang-man’s
noose] put around your neck?”
A. – “For the reason, first, as I was then in darkness, so I should
keep the whole world in darkness so far as it related to the secrets of
Free-Masonry. Secondly: in case I had not submitted to the
manner and mode of my institution, that I
might have been lead out of the lodge, without seeing the form and beauty
thereof.” (Pag48-49)
Q. – “Why were you caused to rest your right hand
on the Holy Bible, square, and compasses?
A. –“Because the right hand was supposed by our
ancient brethren to be the seat of
fidelity, and so they worshipped Deity under the name of Fides, which was
supposed to be represented by the right hands joined, and by two human figures
holding each other by the right hand, therefore we masonically use to signify in the strongest manner
possible the sincerity or our intentions in the business in
which we are engaged.” (Pag50)
Q. – “Why were you neither barefoot nor shod?”
A. – “… a Mason plucked off his shoe and gave it
to his neighbor. This then we do in
confirmation of a token, and as a pledge
of our fidelity; thereby signifying that we will renounce our own will in all things, and become obedient
to the laws of our ancient institution.” 1 (Pag48)
The Worshipful Master (W.M.) asks the Senior
Warden, “What makes you an Entered
Apprentice Mason?” The Senior
Warden answers, “My obligation.” (Page
W.M. – “Mr. Gabe, “Before you can be permitted to
advance any further in Masonry, it becomes my duty to inform you, that you must
take upon yourself a solemn oath
or obligation, appertaining to this degree, which I, as Master of this
lodge, assure you that will not
materially interfere with the duty that you owe to your God, yourself,
family, country, or neighbor.” (Page 33)
Q. “Give me a sign.”
Q. – “Has that an allusion?”
A. – “It has, to the penalty of my obligation.”
Q. – “Why were you received on the point of a sharp instrument?”
A. – “As that was an instrument of torture to my flesh, so might the recollection of
it be to my conscience, should I ever
presume to reveal the secrets of Free-Masonry. (Pag49)
Q. – “What so you conceal?”
A. – “All
the secrets of Masons, in Masons, to which this token alludes.” (here press with thumb-nail the first
joint hard) (Pag42)
“Finally, keep
sacred and inviolable the mysteries of the Order, as these are to
distinguish you from the rest of the community, and mark your consequence among
Masons.” (Pag57)
The Masonic
faith is the superior one – Because of this; no Religious official can
legitimately disagree with the religion of Freemasonry
Charge at initiation into the first degree
“No human
institution was ever raised on a better principle, or more solid
foundation; nor were ever more excellent rules and useful maxims laid down than
are inculcated in the several Masonic lectures. The greatest and best men
in all ages have been encouragers and promoters of the art, and have never deemed it derogatory to
their dignity to level themselves with the fraternity, extend their privileges,
and patronize their assemblies.” (Pag56)
W.M. – “Brother,
I now present you with a lamb skin or White apron, which is an emblem of
innocence and the badge of a Mason, … When worthily worn, more honorable than the star and
garter, or any other order that can be
conferred on you at this time, or any future period, by kings, princes, and
potentates, or any other persons, except it be by Masons.” (Page 39)
[If the candidate be a clergyman, add the
“You, brother, are a preacher of that religion, of
which distinguishing characteristics are
universal benevolence and unbounded charity. You can not therefore, but be fond of the Order, and zealous for
the interests of Freemasonry, which in the same manner inculcates the same
charity and benevolence, and which, like that religion, encourage every moral
and social virtue; which introduces peace and good-will among man-kind, and is
the centre of union to those who otherwise might have remained at a perpetual
distance. So that whoever is warmed with the spirit of Christianity, must esteem,
must love Masonry.
of the First Degree of Freemasonry
to the first degree, all those not in Freemasonry are in darkness. Initiates learn salvation “secrets” from
Freemasonry called “light.” They start
in an “imperfect state by nature” and by morals and “virtues” hope to arrive at
a state of “perfection” which will qualify them to enter Heaven where God
resides. One membership requirement, is
a “belief in God.” Non-believing
Atheists, can’t join. All Masons
profess to dedicate time to the service and worship of God. Professing a deep sincerity to God, their
goal is to arrive in heaven. Swearing
an oath of death to God emphasizes and solemnizes this sincerity. The first degree calls God the “Supreme
Architect of the Universe” not the creator of it. Masonry claims, “The Holy Bible is the rule and guide of our
faith and practice,” yet, nowhere is Jesus Christ or the Trinity God of the
Bible ever mentioned or worshiped. A
Bible is placed on the altar where every Mason invokes “the blessings of Deity”
in prayer.
have a “worshipful Master” who guides them into Masonic truth and makes
judgements as to whether the candidate’s “faith is well founded” or not. Freemasonry claims that its method of
salvation is superior to all others and judges everyone else’s faith to be
inferior. Salvation or getting to
heaven is achieved in the first degree through becoming worthy. Developing morals through Masonry is
considered good works. Attaining heaven
by morals and virtues is not the biblical way to get to heaven. The biblical way is a gift from God to those
who are unworthy but have faith in Jesus, who is worthy.
said, “I am the way and the truth and
the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me.” Masonry
misleads well-meaning people into the mistaken belief that anyone can make it to Heaven without
Jesus Christ.
Almarode (509) 582-5627